It was fascinating to me, actually words cannot clearly describe the beautiful “orb” or basketball size globe over your head spinning around, like the earth does, transparent and the inside was like mist or clouds in white and blue, a beautiful baby blue color difficult to describe! I didn’t see a cord as it was about 8-12 inches above your head but as you walked it traveled with you as if you had one of those birthday balloons with a cord. The aura was like a thin blue mist over your body. I will never forget such beautiful experience! Tried to paint it but didn’t do it justice. I know I will see you again someday. Your gift and guidance have been and inspiration to me and many. You are so gifted and blessed I was honored to have received the gift of such magnificence! Arlene Ojeda Cruz was guided to the Cayce Center in Houston where I was giving a talk. She came up to me and related the experience and years later sent me this testimonial as it was still strong in her memory. Thank you Arlene it is always wonderful to have such an experience brought to my attention.
Higher Perspective Tarot Course
The Visual Voice of Guidance
Thank you for class last night! You are a treasure trove of beautiful guidance and information! I got a lot out of it and very grateful. Paula
It was wonderful tonight and each night. Thank you very much, and I am so glad I decided to take this course at this time. Cindy
Over 7 sessions we will be exploring the intricacies of the Original Rider-Waite Tarot Deck — You may use any tarot deck you choose but all visual references to colors, card details etc. will relate to this deck. It is also suggested that you have the suit that we will be working with in numeric order prior to each class. These classes are available as audio download classes. Order Link
This class is based on my long held personal and professional connection to the use of Tarot and will reflect the relationship built into “my take on the tarot” as the visual voice of guidance that can be provided by the cards and their loving healing energies. This view point of healing runs through all of my spiritual work. The deck must be held in deep respect and none of the cards are to be feared when they arrive on the table in a reading. It is so important that the healing energies of each card becomes available during a reading. Every situation in a person’s life is unfolding for the enjoyment or the healing of past and present experiences. Which allows the present to reformulate itself and the future to unfold with a new understanding and over time creating self-respect, self-regeneration and peacefulness for the readee as this person receives guidance and loving healing through the angels that work with each card. For yourself as the reader – our intent is to expand our emotional balance, thought body perspective, spiritual body alignment and world view. The study done in this course will stand on its own as you play and work as a tarot reader. There are also benefits which will expand your work in the Akashic Record Readings and the hands-on healing work during ShinJiro sessions if you have taken these courses with me. Since I began using the tarot deck in my early teens the visuals and voices of the cards are held in the clairvoyant and clairaudient centers of my memory. With practice you will develop a deep connection to the subtle meanings and messages of the cards and the angelic beings that work through and with each card, each suit and the Higher Arcana. Link to Akashic and ShinJiro Class descriptions.
- Each session is an audio recording sent to you through Dropbox with handouts included.
- There will be an alignment (attunement) to each suit and the higher arcana.
- Basics of layouts will be addressed in the 7th session
- We will also explore the higher arcana connection to Purpose.
- The cost of the course is $125.00
- Click here to order.
I just have to thank you for the tarot class. Just what I needed. I’m amazed how that happens. I had a dream last night and a spirit guide showed up to guide me. I really needed guidance. It’s amazing. Thank you.
Thank you Colleen Helgerson! I knew that I would love the Higher Perspective Tarot Course. I just had no idea how much I would love it. Or how much I really needed it. It came to me at just the right time! It brings to mind one of my favorite quotes by Mary Oliver “all my life I was a bride married to amazement.” Here I am, amazed again that everything shows up at just the right time! Exactly when I need it! Janice
Oh boy! I was going to tell you I really enjoyed last weeks class. Lots of random sparks of energy ( mostly purples) while listening to recording as well as shifts on energy in ears and Friday night after listening I woke up several times and every time I was thinking about a card. FYI- I will more than likely do solely the playbacks because of work and I do like that I can pause and take notes as well. Thank you for offering this, I’ve had this card deck for years and never used it. But now I am learning to appreciate them and their connection to the Akashic records. Jennifer B
“All my life I was a bride married to amazement.” Mary Oliver – One of my favorite quotes that describes how I feel about this class and all that you offer … Here I am, amazed again that everything shows up at just the right time! Exactly when I need it.
Full Life Purpose Moon Journey
– Available as an Audio Download – Delivered to you through Dropbox $30. Order Link
The July Full Moon is the Life Purpose Moon – This audio download class and Journey Mediation is formulated to take you gently to a place within to stimulate self-knowledge and life flow in the direction of your true purpose. Siddhartha was born, then enlightened and passed from his body all during full moon rotations. Hear your calling, as your ego is calmed in an awakening to consciousness by spirit. Spirit and ego become aware of your desire to connect deeply with life purpose. You will then greet the unfolding of you potential and the soul’s defined role in life and cosmic purpose. Objective: Freed from mental obstruction, one is said to realize a state of bliss as an open vessel, true to the nature of your sacred being. Join in an ongoing relationship with inner knowledge and spirit presence through the receptacle of the emerging mind. As we connect with Earth Mother – Grandmother Moon – Father Sun – in the cycles of life during the Full “Life Purpose” Moon there is a connection made, activated and utilized ever more fully. The Peace of Siddhartha – the Love of the Christ Light – the Interaction of the Goddess of the Full Moon Lakshmi and the Dharma Buddha’s 5th Dimensional Heaven on Earth presence.
Thank you! For your kindness, concern, responsiveness and care — and for providing a bridge to the powerful July Full Moon – through the Full Life Purpose Moon Class and Meditation. Blessings to and for you. Sharon Kuttler
I’ve had a lot going on and a really tough last year. But I thin the ceremony helped me with my grief, gathering my confidence and tapping into my creativity. Jill
Colleen is a wonderful teacher. She helps you discover and develop your gifts. Nikki L.
Stabilizing the Aura Class
Available as a Zoom Video Class with handouts sent via Drop Box. Order Link $40.
- Understanding and activating the Supportive Mechanisms within the Auric Field of Energy.
- Creation of a peaceful Energy Body.
- Recreating Structural Integrity within the Protective shielding of the Aura surrounding the human body (can be activated for pets as well).
- Activation of the Intuitive Within the individual once the Aura is Stabilized.
Because you are to be something for yourself not for anyone else – become yourself. This is accomplished through the release of the opinions of others – sort through these opinions and heal. Become and be…. I am at peace with that which I am. Perfect in my imperfect perfection… Colleen Helgerson
It is my mission to bring those who have the desire and commitment — to each become their own best guide and healer, fulfilling the lives of all who long to be free in their hearts and minds – free enough to trust their intuition — their higher self and follow that guidance to become a self-empowered individual.
Message from a Student …
In my dream we were in a forested area,
I was kneeling down in front of you
as you stood next to a fire,
humming a song and striking a hand drum.
When I lifted my head up
You had shifted into a beautiful white stag.
Dreampt the night of the Piscean full moon.
I have been meaning to send you an email to let you know how much you touched my life. The weekend at your house was one I will truly never forget. You brought such a comfort level to the class by allowing us to be in your home. The stories that were flowing through you made me feel like I have known you forever. At one point you were talking about how your essence is “joy”. When Rachel sent me your information I looked at your website and that was the first word that came to my mind. Your picture radiated with joy and love. Given your past and all the hardships in your life, you still hold on to that joy and make it look effortless. One thing that really stood out to me was your confidence in all of us. It was as if we could think or say nothing wrong. The energy was real and it was working through us and that’s all we needed to know. Looking back on the class I see so much wisdom and truth in this. This is a gift I’m grateful to have received, but I know that if I hadn’t had a teacher like you passing it to me, instilling in me confidence and joy, I’m not sure it would have felt the same. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for choosing me to be a part of the class and thank you for your love and support. I look forward to taking more classes with you in the future! With Love, Heather Moritz
As a licensed clinical social worker in private practice with 30 years experience, and a student of Colleen Helgerson, I can attest to the many benefits of Colleen’s classes and Reiki for healthcare professionals. Reiki is a healing modality utilizing life force energy thru the power of intention and laying of hands. Nurses and healthcare professionals know the healing power of touch; Reiki is an extension of this healing power. Reiki can be used in any healthcare environment including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and home health. I provided Reiki on my father and father-in-law in their homes, at doctor appointments, the hospital, and the nursing home. This brought them great comfort in times of physical pain, fear, and uncertainty. Reiki is helpful for both physical and emotional/mental health. A few years ago, I had a client with Excoriation (skin picking) disease. Traditional psychotherapy and medication provided minimal results. After only one Reiki session, her anxiety diminished, the picking decreased substantially, and her skin began healing. Her improvement continued with additional Reiki sessions. Not only is Reiki beneficial for patients, but also the healthcare professionals themselves. With the demands of working in healthcare and the need to be healthy in order to care for others, Reiki is an ideal solution for caregivers. Colleen teaches the ultimate in self-care thru Reiki. Healthcare professionals learn to use Reiki on themselves for relaxation, grounding, centering, and healing. Reiki is truly an essential tool for all healers. Elizabeth Heil MSW, LISW, Reiki Master Practioner
Signing up for a class or a session is a commitment to yourself and the universe to carry through to completion the learning and promise to spiritual well-being.
All payments for classes and sessions are final. No Refunds.
1A. LodeStar Akasha Class Learn to Read the Akashic Records
$300.00 Add to cart -
1B. Working in Your Own Record Advanced Akashic Audio Class
$45.00 Add to cart -
2. Clearing Contradictory Beliefs Advanced Akashic Audio Class
$45.00 Add to cart -
3. Working in the Records of a Place Advanced Akashic Audio Class
$45.00 Add to cart -
4. Bringing Forward Past Life Mastery’s Advanced Akashic Audio Class
$45.00 Add to cart -
5. Ancestral Healing – Clearing the Family Line
$45.00 Add to cart -
Aura Stabilization
$45.00 Add to cart -
Body Wisdom Shamanism Class
$45.00 Add to cart -
Deep Healing our Relationship with Time and Opportunity.
$15.00 Add to cart -
Drumming Journey
$5.00 Add to cart -
Elder Council Blue Light Activation
$20.00 Add to cart -
Elder Council Golden Light Activation
$20.00 Add to cart -
Higher Perspective Tarot Course
$125.00 Add to cart -
Karuna Reiki Practitioner Class
$500.00 Add to cart -
Karuna Reiki Teacher Class
$375.00 Add to cart -
Life Purpose Full Moon Ceremony
$30.00 Add to cart -
Lion’s Gate Divine Unity New Moon Activation
$20.00 Add to cart -
Lions Gate Portal Activation
$15.00 Add to cart -
MaChiAh Shamanism Basics Weekend
$150.00 Add to cart -
MaChiAh Shamanism Level 1 Class
$75.00 Add to cart -
MaChiAh Shamanism Level 2 Class
$75.00 Add to cart -
New Moon Earth Cycle Meditation
$10.00 Add to cart -
Refresher Class
$50.00 Add to cart -
Resurrecting Abundance – Self Reiki & Your Reiki Practice
$25.00 Add to cart -
ShinJiro One Class
$125.00 Add to cart -
ShinJiro Two Class
$175.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki 3A
$225.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki 3B Teacher
$600.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki One
$125.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki Two
$175.00 Add to cart -
Winter Solstice Earth Cycle Meditation
$10.00 Add to cart -
WombKeeper’s Ceremony
$30.00 Add to cart