1. Council of Elders – The Grandmothers – The Ancient Ones
All have messages they wish to share and alignments with the energies of
Self-Rule in the Life Now Unfolding
There are Echoes of Love throughout the Universe waiting to be heard by those of use here on the planet earth. The power within these echoes is our ability to be whole in and of self, as we embrace enlightening understanding of the experience life brings to us. We can never be separate from source and yet we often feel that we are isolated in this body. We create the relationship between spirit self and human self with the Shamanic Journey work we will experience here. The Grandmothers, Elders and Ancient Ones bring with them messages to embrace the silent secrets within our spirit and soul selves. Introduction and Embracing Connection in each session. January 25th (also a full moon) and Feb. 1st. (beginning of Imbolc – The Goddess Brigid Prophecy Maiden Mother Crone) & (the day Lincoln signed the 13th amendment outlawing slavery 1865). 7 – 8:30 p.m. live via zoom link with recording sent to you via Dropbox to keep and connect with again and again. Handouts sent via email the Tuesday prior. $44. 2 sessions.