Meditation Downloads

Meditation Downloads
  • Meditation Downloads are $5.00 each
  • Reiki Instructional Downloads are $10.00 each
  • Physical CD’s are also available for $15.00 each plus shipping
  • Teacher discount available for bulk purchases (10 CD’s or more) Reiki One and Two

Click on the cover photo for Information about Meditation content

Rev. Colleen Helgerson is a practitioner and teacher of healing and the esoteric arts. She supports the individual through sessions, classes and Consciousness Workshops.

Information contained in the audios offered through this website are not given or intended to be a substitute or replacement for qualified medical or psychological  advice, diagnosis or treatment. As an individual you must take responsibility for your own mental and physical health, way of thinking, living, decision making and well being.

Music by Thaddeus’ can be ordered from LunimEssence Productions we are grateful for the generosity they have shown in allowing me to add music to the vibration of these meditations.