You are a blessing that has impacted my life in so many wonderful ways. We are all so very lucky to have been led by our guides to you. Your generosity and kindness and peaceful way are just some of the best things about you. TH
Thank you so much for sharing our time with me. I have been buzzing and joyful, feeling whole again…💞 Gretchen
Colleen, my last session (Akashic Reading – Harmonic Union ) with you is what tipped the scales in our favor! (mine and family). I am enough just as I am!!! I struggled with this my whole life and most women do. When you realize the only person, you have anything to prove to is yourself, and that you are more than enough, your whole life will change. Yesterday, everything I’ve worked so hard for came full circle. Inner work. Mindset work. Healing. Letting go. Forgiveness.
So I could up-level my life. So I could be living the life of my dreams.
Trust me when I tell you that every single woman who has ever done anything epic has had to push through massive amounts of self-doubt. Massive. Holly
When You choose to never give up, to fight through your worst days, to continue to believe that you deserve everything you’ve ever dreamed of, when the day comes that you can say to yourself, it will all be worth it! And for added bonus, your entire family shifts with you and up-levels their own lives, too because when YOU choose to heal, you heal entire family line. Never settle for less because your freedom depends on it!
(Do know that the work we do is cumulative – not ordinarily a single session. And that people other than yourself must come to their healing in their own timing. As you set your place in the world and the family you are then choosing how you relate to them. Colleen Helgerson) Book Session
Dear Colleen, I have been transcribing my akashic reading/healing recording, mainly for my own re-interaction with the information. I am struck by the insight and clarity this has given me. So many things were brought forth that were right in front of my face! I was either too close to the situation, too unsure or too confused to recognize it. I now feel uplifted and really free, for the fist time in many months. There is loss involved, so this feeling is not just convenient … but true. This finally makes sense. Thank you for the work that you do. Vicki
I can’t thank you enough for the reading and prayers you did for me in the akashic session. It has made a huge difference in my life these past few days. The horrific pain in my chest from all of my grief is gone.The amount of helpful information you provided for my healing still boggles my mind. I have long suspected that the person who bullied, harassed, and humiliated me for 8 years was still “connected” to me in some way. NEVER did I dream that she was connected 15 generations ago. I always felt “ill” around her with her energy literally making me nauseous. I’m glad that her energy is out of my aura.It occurred to me after our meeting that my friend, who took Reiki classes and Akashic records classes with you had a horrific vision of this person. She could literally see a vulture with his talons in her head. The woman was wearing a black robe and a black skull cap that sounded like something out of the Spanish Inquisition. I know we will remain connected. You are a treasure. I so appreciate your understanding of my situation. Somehow, the meeting with you lifted my anxiety. I had been thinking before our meeting that I would need a full year to recover from this horrific situation but now … I’m glad my angels and guides also feel that this is the best for me. Thank you for ALL that you do to help us all. Warmest regards
Metamorphosis Soul Transformational Group Healing Testimonials
I have discovered feelings of being empowered, grounded, stable, secure and whole. It seems that the work is being done subconsciously. The things I had not been able to release for years, have released. I did not spend mental energy in the release & healing and some of it has taken me by surprise. Very pleasant surprise. Andrea Holmquist
I was ready for a change and needed to break free from the stress and turmoil of the last few years. The introduction of the Transformational Soul Metamorphosis Group Healing series was perfect timing. I experience an incredibly powerful yet gentle energy during these sessions and feel grounded and empowered afterwards. I’ve only attended two classes so far, I truly feel a transformation taking place! Holly H.
I loved it. I like the chanting and singing bowls the best. Feeling the words wash over me is also wonderful. I felt like I was wrapped in a cocoon of loving energy. I am feeling more of a balance in myself. I believe that is coming from a stronger sense of myself and the understanding of the divine plan. I believe I am more open and receptive to guidance. I am feeling more connected as well as a stronger urge to take the time to connect Very beautiful experience! I am very grateful for it! Thank you! Jessica
I’ve found myself spontaneously realizing and releasing challenging patterns and connections. Yes, I have worked very hard to release and heal these things over the past few years and have spent too much mental energy on them. Now with this amazing work they are being released. I was far off in an alternate reality and didn’t want it to end … there were amazing guides on both sides of me. The visuals were something I haven’t experienced before. Feel Cleansed Cleared and wonderfully Stabilized.
I wanted to share the amazing experience that I had last night. I felt such an intensity throughout my body — I opened myself to seeing my guides clearly and received what the universe had for me. It was intense and so amazing. So many vivid colors. Thank you so much for sharing this gift with me. Ariel
Of course I’m doing them all ….. !!! Feedback from Oct. 20th session — I reverted back to my younger self and was told by the guides that I was going to be reborn and rise like a phoenix over the next few weeks. I would then choose a new path, beginning and ending of my life. During the session I went to the time of my mother’s death bed experience. She never asked for me. I had though that it meant she didn’t care about me. I had a realization that she was afraid that I wouldn’t be willing to come and I could see that she had carried guilt all of her life about how she had treated me and raised me. I saw that when I’d taken charge of my life in my 20’s, standing up for my self – I had actually changed my destiny! It was so liberating to realize that It wasn’t all about my being unloved but also about my mother’s fears. Veronica Merrill
My cat, Pandora loved the work we did in the Metamorphosis Healing, she sat through the whole thing with me, just a purring away. Patti
What a gifted and talented teacher we have been blessed with. After spending time with her, you only crave more knowledge. That is all this metamorphosis work is all about. Sharing, learning, becoming. Just listening to the recording even after the live session is a wonderful experience. Sally
With much appreciation to you Colleen, in bringing this wonderful opportunity to us. It was a joy to participate in this healing energy from such a gifted teacher. I look forward to more. Jean
The transformational soul group healing sessions have been extremely trans-formative. I have rediscovered the feeling of comfort; less anxious, less reactive, more peaceful, balanced, and accepting. I have entered into each of these without any expectations. The benefits have been amazing, pretty much without me lifting a finger. I opened myself to the energy and allowed it to do what it needed to do. AH
Audio Download and Audio Classes Testimonials
Thank you! For your kindness, concern, responsiveness and care — and for providing a bridge to the powerful July Full Moon – through the Full Life Purpose Moon Class and Meditation. Blessings to and for you. Sharon Kuttler
Colleen, your full moon life purpose meditation is still magical after the many times I’ve done it! I felt a huge shift! Thank you! It’s a powerful transmission. Wowza! Gail
I had some down time to start the Advanced Akashic class today and I am loving the recorded format!!! I stop rewind and take notes over and over! LOL Trish
I was so excited when you put out your audio downloads. I can feel your Joyful Energy through the sound of your voice! Just listening to one of your meditations fills me with the Peace to accomplish the rest of my day’s activities. You rock. Fiona
Inspirational and soothing. You are amazing! Thanks Kim K
Her voice takes you into a depth of connection so completely – you meet with your heavenly self. Michelle
I just had the opportunity to listen to several of your meditation downloads. I’m grateful to have been introduced to you … they are excellent!! Thank you!. Carla Fort Collins CO
Akashic Readings & Harmonic Union Testimonials
Thank you so much again, today was incredible! Much needed, and I feel light as a feather. Hope to see more of you in the future 🙂 Richelle
Can I also take a moment to say how spectacular, wise and powerful you were yesterday! You always are. So on point. So wise. Julia New York
Then I met Colleen and her guidance began to bring me out of that place that others could not seem to help guide me out of. She recently did a reading for me and everything changed for me after that. So much of what I thought was my madness and my burden was not mine. She and Grandmother Spider (Colleen’s Native American Healer Guide) pulled me out of that place where I found out was being manipulated by another. And I am grateful for the Spirits that directed me to her. Patti Rowe
Colleen, Thank you for the wonderful session you graced me with – I just listened to it again and it was amazing – as you are! I thank the universe for the gift of my delightful, exciting and fun – healer, teacher, mentor. Wherever your feet take you – whatever you put your hands to – you will shine! I will be singing a little prayer for you each day as you embark upon your next chapter. Much love, Val
Thank you so much for all of the love, support, guidance and blessings. I am so grateful for your gifts & time. Much Love Gail
Within each of us is a power that moves and heals. It is the energy of life and love. I knew this in my mind and in my heart but I had never really paid it proper attention. I needed to grow this loving energy. I needed the right teacher to show me how to make it a real part of who I am and how I live. That’s when I found Colleen. She is an amazing teacher. She took the time to explain to my mind and then to my heart the teachings of Reiki, meditation, then of Akashic records. Her guidance in this abundant and beautiful sharing of healing that I could grow within myself and share with others opened the doors of my heart. I love being a conduit for this energy and I love sharing it. I highly recommend her classes. I am forever thankful and grateful for the gift of such a good teacher. Her guidance and knowledge is exceptional. If you are on the fence, try it. The classes are full of the most wonderful people and you will learn a lot about yourself and how much you are capable of doing. Maria Philbrick
I have been studying with Colleen since 2012 and have taken most of her courses. This past year I took the Shamanism courses and they have really added to my own meditative practices. I think we all connect to different elements in different ways and the Shamanism courses really spoke to me. I had the most deeply moving experiences with the Shamanism courses especially level 2. The energy, dedication and presence that Colleen brings to the classroom makes the learning environment open and inviting. This is the reason why I don’t even think twice about driving almost 3 hours to come to her courses. It is also the reason why I will seek individual guidance through her one on one sessions over the phone and in person. Kim F
I can’t tell you what a great experience this work has been for me over the past year’s time so much has changed to the positive. Blessings to you. Marcia
I just wanted to Thank You for a powerful, enlightening and inspiring Akashic Reading & Healing session!! Before my session, I was feeling stressed out about the circumstances in my life. I have been feeling overwhelmed and confused. Our session has made a HUGE difference in my life and now I have clarity on a number of issues! My perspective has shifted and I feel like a new person! Talking with you has made such a difference in my life! I look forward to connecting again. You are an Angel!! With deep gratitude and appreciation Sandy
I’ve been feeling really good since my last session (Harmonic Union Energy work). The general anxiety that I’ve had for so long has diminished greatly. Changes are easier to make & come more naturally. I see things more clearly, decisions are easier to make too. I’m actually often feeling quite fabulous lately, which I am enjoying. And I’m feeling more settled into myself & comfortable with it. Thank you Holly Hampton
Thanks so much for the reading and akashic healing! You have an awesome talent. This work week has been so positive. I can really feel a change already. My current boss (mother in a past life) has been smiling and actually pleasant to me – she even said thank you today! Such a difference! Melinda
My dear dear Colleen!!!! I just wanted to thank you for the powerful healing work this past week. I want everyone to know what a treasure you are and that I feel so lucky we have someone like you to turn to when life gets very dark, scary and unpredictable. You helped me walk through a period of great difficulty. With your gifts and access to a world of energy most of us do not understand, you gave me healing, restored my faith and reminded me that you are always there for someone in need of your specific gifts. You are truly a healer, a friend, and a pillar in this community, indeed, in the world! I give you my thanks and universal blessings! I am the miracle because you are the miracle. My friendship and love always!!! Tim Bauman
Sacred Intent Workshop – Body Wisdom Testimonial – “I was not sure what to expect from the body wisdom session. I attended during a time in my life that I was interested in becoming more spiritually strong, by understanding how to live in tune with and in control of my spirit. The session was much more impactful for me than I had expected. I left feeling like I was in tune with my whole self, uplifted and spiritually nourished. Previously, I had been having difficulty with an unwelcome spiritual visitor during my nighttime dreams and even during daily life. The same evening, I was excited to go to sleep, something that I had recently associated with nervousness. I slept soundly and securely, with vivid dreams of my spirit dancing in prairies and rowing down the Amazon River. I was so happy; I hardly wanted to wake up. My body felt relieved and my spirit felt rejuvenated. While my journey to spiritual health and happiness is certainly not over, I know that I now have the tools to continue with a unified spirit, body and soul alliance. The decision to remain spiritually strong and in control is mine to make.” Anonymous
Trust me people, reiki is life changing and all for the better. Opens up the enlightenment process, brings inner peace and awareness and the most loving form of healing. Colleen is the very best at teaching this wonderful healing art form! Patsy – Wisconsin
I have had many readings with Colleen and she has helped me and my family through some challenging times. One of the most amazing experiences was for something I didn’t even come to her for! In my reading, she told me that I had something attached to the back of my shoulder. I had not told her that I had been having pain there for the past two years. That pain was associated to feelings and broken contracts with someone very close to me. We healed that – and I walked out of there pain-free. Something pain medication and countless massage, chiropractic or acupuncture visits were unable to do. Colleen and the Records will open you up to a you that you haven’t consciously met yet. Carissa Rideout
Colleen, It was so nice speaking with over the phone. I just want people to know that you have an endearing heart with good intention. You made me understand relationships and their similarities from past to present life. I listened to the scenarios played out in my past life, which helped me understand my present condition today. It may seem far fetched to some but as you spoke things clicked. There is no question in my mind that my consciousness changed for the better and with that I am grateful. Much success with your care and guidance. Blessings, Nova
I would like to encourage anyone who may be “on the fence” to step out of the box and go exploring (the Akashic Records) with Colleen. I can speak from experience, her readings are soul touching. She has a gift and spirit that can help sort out feelings and assist you in answering questions that many may have. Her character, integrity, kindness, compassion, and most of all the Love that she carries is profound. Bonnie Ewton
When life is hectic, it is hard for me to stay clear enough to make important decisions. It can appear as though I am in the dark with many paths to choose from. Colleen helps me connect to the wisdom I have deep within. She helps me align with the light, so that I can see clearly which path is right for me. Colleen has a deep powerful energy that carries through in her sessions. Her ability to connect to the spiritual world while relating it to the earth plane is nothing short of amazing. Thank you, Debby
I just wanted to thank you again for such a really wonderful reading for both my mom & me. I have seen what a powerful affect it had on my mom. The energy around her is bigger and stronger. I feel it was her self-confidence that improved more than anything. I took her shopping at Macy’s for some new clothes for when she meets the man she has been manifesting all these months. I have ALWAYS seen this MAGNIFICENT person my mom is, and it has always amazed me that no one else saw what I did – especially my mom. She always thought I was a little biased when I told her how I see her, she is a powerful, loving, person capable of so much! I kept telling her & wished she could see what I see in her just ONCE. Well, after YEARS of waiting – it has finally happened. I can’t even tell you just HOW MUCH this has meant to me. My heart has been super happy and I feel
so extremely Thankful to you for changing my mothers life. I just thought it was important that you know just how powerful an affect you had on our lives. From the bottom of my heart – THANK YOU!!! Sarah – Denver, Colorado
I was completely unconscious before I met Colleen. I was in denial, trapped by my fear based beliefs that no longer served my highest good. The reading she gave me broke me free of those fears, and I am on a new, beautiful, joyful path of self-realization! I am now awakening & becoming conscious of who I really am. I pay attention now to the beautiful Universe & spiritual realm that surrounds us. I feel more alive than I ever have. My life has changed! I am extremely grateful for this change! I believe Colleen to be a tremendous blessing to us as a beautiful messenger & teacher of all things our souls long for on this planet-love, light, healing, connection, joy, peace…. Kristina Honshel
After studying Edgar Cayce for several years, I found myself wishing I could have my Akashic record read. But knowing Edgar Cayce died in 1945, I assumed it would be an impossible feat. However, recently I found Colleen Helgerson on the internet and decided to give the Akashic Record reading a try, only to find that the experience was as in-depth and as intuitive as Edgar Cayces’ readings were. Not only has this reading given me an insight into myself, but also into my past, present and future. It appears as though, as I re-listen to my reading, I continually find new direction in my life endeavors. Thank You Russ Nottingham Ohio
Thank you once again. This reading really clarified so much for me. It was life changing. Anna Yonkers, NY
I thoroughly enjoyed the reading. I haven’t been the same since, to be very honest. I found myself in brief moments of tears more than once yesterday – in shear joy and relief – that it’s all going to be okay. You confirmed a great deal of what I believed to be true – and even more than I knew – I feel at peace. I can’t wait to really experience life … the reading gave me permission to truly drop all my fears, once and for all, and just go for it. Wow, did I need that. Thank you so much for being “on my path” in this lifetime. Shawna Illinois
Thank you so much for the excellent reading, Colleen.
I don’t know how to thank you enough for your insights. — Michelle
Colleen, Just wanted to write an email, thanking you again for the reading today. You really helped me to put some things in order and hopefully give me closure on a lot of hurtful things in the past, so I can live a fruitful future. It was a remarkable experience and I’m just awed how everything in my life you could really pickup on from the records. I found it absolutely fascinating and eye opening. It made me also feel I did the right thing in quitting the job, due to (following) my bad vibes. I’ve just always been one to worry about money and making ends meet, due to being a single parent and times have been tough.Thank you so much again; we are referring more people your way.
Peace, Kristine
What a wonderful sessions! Gracias! You really provided such life-changing insights!
Joyful Blessings, NY, New York
Thanks so much for the help the Akashic reading provided, as well as the tape. I have about worn it out listening to it and seem to get something new from it each time…depending on where my soul is at the time. Jan
I’d never had an Akashic Reading before and didn’t know what to expect. After having my first Akashic Reading from Colleen, I was filled with an excitement and joy that I hadn’t felt in a long time. In the course of the reading there was laughter, tears, surprise, and a clearing that has allowed me to have peaceful dreams about my deceased husband that I was unable to have in the 18 years since he made his transition. The reading was powerful, enlightening and inspiring. I’ve been high on life ever since. Life is good and getting better. That’s my new affirmation since having my reading with Colleen . . . Vivian – Downers Grove, IL
It’s been several months since my first session with you … so much has changed! I’ve learned so much about myself as I define the details. I have listened to the tape you mailed to me many times. Each time I listen to it I hear exactly what I need to hear to help me move through to the next moment with a sense of peace … knowing that all is well and “things will unfold beautifully” … as you noted in our session. i just wanted to take a moment to thank you again. Your words to me have been such a source of comfort. And, I do plan to work with you again… Shaunna
Colleen, the recording you sent arrived, I just finished listening to it. Time and perspective can help to make the messages even more clear. Thank you, Eliz. Scott
I found Colleen through her Website. From my first correspondence with Colleen, I found her to be very engaging and very secure with her gift. Upon completion of my Akashic Records Reading, I felt a sense of peace, like I had reached an important milestone in my life. This would not have been possible had I not been able to consult with her. Colleen’s gift is real, her ability magnificent and her kindness beyond expectation. I have recommended her several times over, she is that wonderful and I will continue to consult with her as needed in my life . . . Teresa Harrington Atlanta, Georgia
I received my reading @ the beginning of July and I am still learning from the tape you sent while recording these beautiful messages and words of wisdom. You are truly a divine spirit sent from our vast spiritual support system and I have never felt so blessed to have worked with anyone other than our teacher – Sonia Choquette. Words cannot describe my gratitude and immense energy which I continue to feel. Every time I listen to our recorded session, I continue to learn from it. I cannot wait to work with you again one day! To work with you in person would really be awesome! Colleen, your patience, knowledge and peace of mind which clearly came across in your session helped me to stay in complete comfort. I knew and felt that I could say/ask anything and your answers given to you by your training and Support System would help me for the rest of this life. Connie
You knew nothing about me or my family – yet you were able to deliver all that was needed, as if you knew us our entire life. Truly amazing! By the grace of God I have found a friend and divine Lady to count on. Please do not stop as our Universe wants and needs people like you. I will contact you again and I send you many blessings. Between you and Sonia my life is changing for the better. To all who read this -ask Colleen and it is given . . . With Sincere Gratitude, Carla
I just read your Inviting Bliss column … I swear I could hear you as though you were telling me this, instead of me reading it. Look forward to reading more. Cheryl N.
Distance Healing Testimonial
Even when you are open-minded to complimentary health care methods, sometimes a wellness opportunity comes along that seems a bit strange. Having used Reiki myself for general wellness and then going on to take Colleen’s Reiki I and II courses, even I wondered how effective Reiki could be when sent over a distance. I initially made an appointment to travel to Dubuque for a session with Colleen, to address an allergic condition but decided to try a distance Reiki session at a prearranged time instead. I literally could feel myself receiving the energy that was being sent to me and it was very clear that the sensations were having a soothing and balancing effect. Heat pulsed in my hands and feet, beautiful colors passed before my closed eyes, and I felt cared for in the most wonderful way. As I could sense the session ending, I felt energized yet very calm. I decided to just lay still for a few more moments only to wake two hours later from the soundest, most restorative sleep that I had in months! I credit this distance Reiki experience with setting me firmly on the path toward healing and would like to encourage anyone who has considered distance Reiki to feel totally comfortable in arranging a session with Colleen. ~ Lauren, Cedar Falls IA
Colleen Helgerson has an amazing gift for conducting deep level healing. Currently, there is much viewing and talk about decluttering one’s physical abode, but decluttering one’s inner physical and emotional “self” is actually where we all should begin. Colleen helped (and continues to help) take me right there where the clutter and ultimately, dis-ease began and temporarily attached, and she continued to perform the release of toxicity from within! After I was diagnosed with cancer recently, I turned to Colleen, who is my friend, teacher, and guide; she was there for me before and after surgery to help empower so that I could once again remember to “own my stuff” as well as for ME to decide next steps in cooperation with my medical physicians for continued healing. I am cancer free with no chemo and no radiation having been necessary. My energy centers are in balance; I am positive in my outlook as well as in my day-to-day, moment-to-moment. Am I perfect? Not just yet (smiles galore!); however, the journey continues. She remains close by as I join with physical therapists and yes, continue with medical physicians, to help me clear the way as I rebuild physical strength and ongoing excellent, balanced health. Thank you, Colleen!!! Bernadette Jones
Class Testimonials
I listened to the aura cleanse mp3 as I was falling asleep. For the first time a a month, I was able to get more than 5 hours of sleep. I actually managed a full 9 hours. If I can end the insomnia for good, that alone was worth the $40. (Stabilizing the Aura Class)
I have been meaning to send you an email to let you know how much you touched my life. The weekend at your house was one I will truly never forget. You brought such a comfort level to the class by allowing us to be in your home. The stories that were flowing through you made me feel like I have known you forever.
At one point you were talking about how your essence is “joy”. When Rachel sent me your information I looked at your website and that was the first word that came to my mind. Your picture radiated with joy and love. Given your past and all the hardships in your life, you still hold on to that joy and make it look effortless.
One thing that really stood out to me was your confidence in all of us. It was as if we could think or say nothing wrong. The energy was real and it was working through us and that’s all we needed to know. Looking back on the class I see so much wisdom and truth in this. This is a gift I’m grateful to have received, but I know that if I hadn’t had a teacher like you passing it to me, instilling in me confidence and joy, I’m not sure it would have felt the same. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for choosing me to be a part of the class and thank you for your love and support. I look forward to taking more classes with you in the future! With Love, Heather Moritz
I am so glad that you were born. You have always made me feel good about myself whenever I have attended any of your programs and you have helped me to look deeper into life. Celebrate with wild abandon. Marge B
The Karuna Class is a very powerful and sacred time of rejoicing in who we are and the power that is within us. A time to reflect and a time to breathe in all theenergy that is surrounding us and healing us.I carry those moments with me always and am so grateful for the experience. Anyone who can, should take advantage of this opportunity…with gratefulness. Jeanne T.
Karuna Reiki is an all empowering and healing class. It helps you to connect with your Spirit guides and Healers, that are needed in Reiki. It also helps you to feel you are doing the best for your client. Judith Norris
In my experience, being trained in Karuna Reiki was a transformative experience. Under Colleen’s knowledgeable guidance, the intensive training of her Karuna class opened my intuitive and healing skills to a wonderful new level. I would highly recommend taking this class for anyone who is serious about Reiki as a means to spiritual development, and to become the most effective channel for the healing energy that is Reiki. Kathy Gereau
Colleen is motivating and her Karuna Reiki class attuned me in ways I cannot fully describe. Her class explored the meaning and significance of the symbols as she encouraged us to feel the symbols higher meanings with meditations and plenty of hands on practice. I never felt pressured or rushed, yet feel I garnered the nature of each symbol from this class very well. This class also complimented my Usui Reiki teachings very well. Through Colleen’s class exercises, she helped me to develop my intuition and compassion exponentially. I felt more receptive to the enlightened beings physically present to me in the here and now, as well as a stronger connection to the spirit guides – those not physically present. Colleen’s compassion and unconditional love were an unexpected gift of the class. KT Gates
I have been studying with Colleen since 2012 and have taken most of her courses. This past year I took the Shamanism courses and they have really added to my own meditative practices. I think we all connect to different elements in different ways and the Shamanism courses really spoke to me. I had the most deeply moving experiences with the Shamanism courses especially level 2. The energy, dedication and presence that Colleen brings to the classroom makes the learning environment open and inviting. This is the reason why I don’t even think twice about driving almost 3 hours to come to her courses. It is also the reason why I will seek individual guidance through her one on one sessions over the phone and in person. Kim F
I cannot say enough about Colleen, and the knowledge that she offers. I have been blessed to take many classes with her. She has so much information in multiple healing and intuitive modalities. And presents this information in solid form. I have taken classes both in person and through a webinar, and each method allows the opportunity to study, ask questions, and learn. I walk away from each experience with Colleen in awe of what she has taught. She is very thorough, and I highly recommend all of her classes! Rebecca
Hi, Colleen! Thank you so much for the Akashic attunement! I had a fantastic weekend and can’t wait to share my new energy with everyone! 🙂 Have a great week! Lisa Marie
Colleen’s classes are so worth taking. For me they have had such positive impact on my everyday life. Reiki is such a wonderful experience. Everyone should try it!. Cathy Wienen
As a licensed clinical social worker in private practice with 30 years experience, and a student of Colleen Helgerson, I can attest to the many benefits of Colleen’s classes and Reiki for healthcare professionals. Reiki is a healing modality utilizing life force energy thru the power of intention and laying of hands. Nurses and healthcare professionals know the healing power of touch; Reiki is an extension of this healing power. Reiki can be used in any healthcare environment including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and home health. I provided Reiki on my father and father-in-law in their homes, at doctor appointments, the hospital, and the nursing home. This brought them great comfort in times of physical pain, fear, and uncertainty. Reiki is helpful for both physical and emotional/mental health. A few years ago, I had a client with Excoriation (skin picking) disease. Traditional psychotherapy and medication provided minimal results. After only one Reiki session, her anxiety diminished, the picking decreased substantially, and her skin began healing. Her improvement continued with additional Reiki sessions. Not only is Reiki beneficial for patients, but also the healthcare professionals themselves. With the demands of working in healthcare and the need to be healthy in order to care for others, Reiki is an ideal solution for caregivers. Colleen teaches the ultimate in self-care thru Reiki. Healthcare professionals learn to use Reiki on themselves for relaxation, grounding, centering, and healing. Reiki is truly an essential tool for all healers. Elizabeth Heil MSW, LISW, Reiki Master Practioner
I took ShinJiro 1 in person with Colleen Helgerson in October of 2015 in Buck’s Co. Penn. and ShinJiro 2 remotely via video course in July 2017. The attunement experience was amazing. I learned so much about myself during the process and the blocks that were present in my path. Using the tools I have learned in ShinJiro 1 & 2 I am actively healing and moving forward in my practice. Colleen is always very nurturing and powerful during training and that energy comes through in the video course as well. Shannon W. – Ohio
I have taken multiple classes with Colleen Helgerson over the last several years, the most recent being ShinJiro. Every offering I’ve joined Colleen for, brings it’s own unique group of participants and opportunities for learning, but also a deepening of connection with self and the Sacred Energies whom support us … Shinjiro was no exception. Colleen provided a safe, comfortable environment for learning, pushing limits of what you think you know and understand about energy and your own connection to it. Colleen’s passion for this modality is evident in her teachings and how she engages her students. While I’m accustomed to healing within the Akashic Record, this Shinjiro attunement was a beautiful gift, bringing in new energies & symbols to commune with. By the end of the class I felt very comfortable and confident with the new tools and have enjoyed incorporating them into my healing practice! I highly recommend Shinjiro with Colleen. It will certainly build or enhance any energy practice you’re currently accustomed to. Stacie – Marion, Iowa
Trust me people, reiki is life changing and all for the better. Opens up the enlightenment process, brings inner peace and awareness and the most loving form of healing. Colleen is the very best at teaching this wonderful healing art form! Patsy
The LodeStar Akashic Records class can change your life. Beautifully. Let it! Kristina Marie
Learning to read the Akashic records is life-changing, regardless how you decide to use it. I enter my own records daily – for help on my life purpose; to help understand myself; to help me prepare at work; or just to help me interact with challenging situations or people. Colleen is a truly inspiring teacher. She teaches with humor, encouragement and love. I find myself wanting to attend all of her classes! Carissa
Colleen, I want to tell you how deeply meaningful the Akashic Records Class was for me. As a result of this experience, I’ve been able to open my heart to “new” ways of seeing “old” situations. This has enabled me to move on with my spiritual journey. The Lodestar Akasha class and your teaching style (from the heart) gave me the “push” I needed. Kathy Holmquist
What I find the most beautiful about going into someone’s records is the way I feel about that person afterwards. Being in their records, allows me to see them as the amazingly beautiful soul that they truly are. The Records not only help me in my daily life – they allow me to see real love in other people. For that, I am grateful. I have witnessed the power of the Records in my own life and in many others. If you have contemplated attending this class – DO IT. You will not regret it. Colleen and the Records will open you up to a you that you haven’t consciously met yet. Carissa Rideout
Thank you for your workshop. I feel like I gained so much confidence in my ability to see. It was so helpful going into each other’s records and then you commenting along the way, like a narration along with the museum tour. Thanks again for your great mix of left and right brain presentation. I really enjoyed your workshop style.
Much warmth, Adina Iowa City, Iowa
2 months after class …
I feel like you have given me the last piece of faith in this type of work that I needed to truly believe and stop second guessing. I have been doing a fair amount of Akashic Readings … It has gone very well, with some great validation during the actual readings and after. I really feel like after the Akashic Workshop with you, I just believe, period. There is something about you that seems so normal and spiritually connected at the same time. This is the kind of role model that suited my last need – “I can be normal and spiritually connected at the same time.” The amount of time you spent discussing this topic was really invaluable for me. Thanks again, Adina
Thank you…. your absolute confidence in others is an energy all in itself!
Candy in Arizona
I found the akashic records class to be amazing. I have done intuitive readings for years but now I can go so much deeper, receive much more clear information and am more confident in my connection. As a teacher Colleen is so heart-filled, effective, patient and thorough. Thank you so much Colleen for connecting me!
Tracy Sedona, AZ
I have been meaning to e-mail you since we had our class. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your (Akashic) class. It was really good and I learned a lot. In a way, it was also rather surreal. I had that day already planned for few months and felt complete after the class. I had asked for someone to help me understand all the interesting things I have been experiencing. It is so true that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Thanks for being my teacher! Beth Holstein Des Moines, IA
Thank you so very much again for an awesome day! I have spent a lot of time in groups. You have an amazing gift for helping people work through their fears and feel so comfortable. I really felt a genuine connection with this group and I believe it was your loving facilitation that made it happen. Candice – Illinois
Learning how to enter and explore the records for yourself or another person opens a whole new dimension on life. The records expose the needs you have currently in your life, shed light on your past experiences and guide you in your future. Colleen has a unique ability to help you develop the Akashic work and does it with skill and enthusiasm. – Pam Catlin
After experiencing and loving my personal Usui practice of 10 years I thought I’d try Karuna Reiki too. It blew me away! It is such a beautiful and powerful energy and has absolutely elevated my overall Reiki experiences and practice, I know you will love it too! I cannot recommend these classes enough. Tamara Maury
MaChiAh Shamanism Testimonials
I enjoyed level one so much that I decided to attend MaChiAh Shamanism II This class turned out to feel much more intimate. Perfect for what was planned for the day. What did I learn? That I would continue journeying in this lifetime until I am her no more. Veronica Merrill
Exploring multiple facets of Journey allows us to find our place in the shamanic path. Colleen Helgerson
I have been fortunate enough to attend two of Colleen’s wonderful workshops (Houston, TX and Fayetteville, AK). Colleen takes me directly back to my Native American roots and my heart opens wide to receive a blessing. I really enjoyed the chants we learned, too. The Journey took me to a deep meditative space. I gained great tools for personal growth. Colleen engenders unconditional love and creates a sacred holy space to learn and become who we are meant to be. I would highly recommend her workshops. Bonnie O’Boyle
Anyone who knows Colleen, who has seen her drum, or has heard her chant knows that she is something special. It is a great gift to be able to experience a session with her. (Glastonbury, England and Bucks County, Penn.) The sentiments derived from a session vary from bone chilling to ecstatic. I felt like I was transported to a time of my ancestors, a time of greater wisdom and knowing and that she brought that to the surface for me to explore. Simply incredible – see for yourself. Bess Smith Strzelecki
I have been studying with Colleen since 2012 and have taken most of her courses. This past year I took the Shamanism courses and they have really added to my own meditative practices. I think we all connect to different elements in different ways and the Shamanism courses really spoke to me. I had the most deeply moving experiences with the Shamanism courses especially level 2. The energy, dedication and presence that Colleen brings to the classroom makes the learning environment open and inviting. This is the reason why I don’t even think twice about driving almost 3 hours to come to her courses. It is also the reason why I will seek individual guidance through her one on one sessions over the phone and in person. Kim F
Colleen is a one of a kind teacher and anyone who is lucky enough to get to take a class with here please do it! You a changed forever. Veronica
Crystalline Core Rods
I bought a custom made set of these rods as a birthday present to myself-best gift ever! The first day after I used them I woke up feeling like a new person, physically my aches and pains were gone and I actually feel myself standing taller with improved posture. I was also in a state too good to just call “a good mood”, I felt more like I was on a spiritual “high”. The energy from these rods are amazing, when you hold them you can feel the healing energy flow through them. I highly recommend getting a set of your own. I bought an extra standard set and let my 85 year old mother borrow them for two weeks. She suffers from carpal tunnel and arthritis so badly so that her hands keep her up at night. She sat with them twice a day for about thirty minutes. She said her hands are virtually pain free, her stress and anxiety levels are down, and she has more energy than she has had in years. I am so thankful to have found these for myself and been able to share these with her! Jennifer
Best thing I have gotten in the mail for a long time. Thank you Colleen Helgerson! I swear the rods (CustomMade) are helping to heal an old wound on my left foot. When I introduced them to myself it was powerful and the whole day my left foot was tingling. When I was 9 — I almost cut my left foot in half and severed all the tendons and nerves. I swear they are trying to reconnect. Veronica Merrill
I got my Rods just now. I opened my mailbox and was puzzled that they were not in there because I could feel them!! Then I looked on my deck railing and there they were. I opened them and they feel so good!! I can’t tell you how happy I am. I am so glad I got the specially made ones. Thanks so much. Sissy Z.
Kundalini Chanting Workshop Testimonial
I was so blessed to participate in a mini workship entitled “The Power of Chanting,” with facilitators Jim Earles and Colleen Helgerson. During this hour and a half session time seemed to stand still, as I was totally “in the moment.” The information was fascinating & the presenters were delightful. I left the session knowing that I felt more centered, energized and fully alive than I had felt in a long time. What I did not realize at that time – but discovered later – was that I was also cured of two chronic physical ailments that evening. I am a mother with five children and like many women have experienced a problem with urinary bladder leakage. I had tried many natural solutions with not much success and had been avoiding the standard medical solutions – surgery or pharmaceuticals – for years. Another condition that I have been struggling with was a diminishment of my sense of smell. I am thrilled to report that Colleen and Jim were instruments of God’s healing graces sent to me that night. My symptoms are simply gone! I highly recommend others to spend time with Colleen and Jim and experience the abundance!
(Thank you so much Colleen for your light in my life!) Love, Val
Go to the store page – Now as downloads — Store- Meditation CDs, Reiki CDs, by Colleen Helgerson – reiki, akashic records, meditation teacher. or a CD of Kundalini Chants
Wedding Officiant Rev. Colleen Helgerson
Colleen is no longer performing weddings …. We just wanted to send you a big thank you for not only performing our ceremony but for making us feel at ease throughout the entire process. You have (are) a very calming yet fun influence and we feel blessed to have found you (well … you were referred but nonetheless). I know that my prayers were answered you were exactly whom we needed and envisioned – the whole day was, to be honest It was perfect! I’m sure your’re aware of the lives you touch, and as much as this marriage could have been done by someone else … we have beautiful memories because of you. So, thanks again! and if there’s anything we can do let us know! Samantha & Jake