The Metamorphosis Continues ….
Each of these Alignment contain Approx. 30 minutes of explanation for each segment & approximately 20 to 30 minutes as an orientation meditation which brings the participant into connection with the energy of the Emphasis. Some are more than One Segment and many included hand-outs as stated in the descriptions.
- Extraordinary Self Recognizing yourself as a strong healer/reader/artist everything in life. Realizing the Authentic Self Within $38.
2. Open to Feeling Loved $33.
- Recording available Via Dropbox – utilize the recording at any time.
- Open to Feeling Loved Click here to receive recording.
- Join with the inherent energy of every living thing – to know the inborn trait – the existence of essential love.
- Open to Feeling Loved
- Being Loved
- Loved by Source
- Loved by Self
- Loved by Life
- The simplest thing is that the primary reason we incarnate to the planet earth is to realize love.
- Everything else is happening to distract us from the realization of love.
- The test of all the distractions is in essence the simple question of your soul – “Are you ready to see, hear, feel, smell (the aroma of your favorite flower) taste ( the flavor of your favorite dish), sense the exhilaration of fulfillment. The fusion of spirit, soul and human self. And in this the joy of extending love.
3. Clearing Flawed Past Teachings & Activate Discernment $25. Recording available – utilize the recording at any time. Clearing Flawed Past Teachings Click here to receive the recording via Dropbox.
- We have in current life and many other lifetimes had the experience of teachings that were unfortunately flawed in their functionality or at time in the intent of the teacher. Spirit teaches with respect. Human teachers sometimes do not. Either because of flawed teaching they have received or misinterpretation of the method or situation.
- We are not just absorbing information from teachers but a taught by many people and organizations. A parent brings beliefs from how they were parented, how they were educated and socialized. We are always learning. In this process we wish to let go of the thought and emotional body’s learned behaviors and processing of situations in our lives which are lacking true understanding of the concepts guiding us through the higher vibrational energies of universal good.
- We do not need to carry the false teaching forward. Let spirit, the, ascended masters sand your higher-self clear those out for you. Feeling refreshed on all levels.
- Information, clearing, integration of detection system designed for the realization of false teaching in current circumstances. Each of us has an individual relationship with how we approach life and everything that is happening around us and through our relationships. We desire clarity.
- What will be be addressing here? The Clearing of current life and past life teachings and belief systems that have caused confusion, difficulties, self-doubt and more. And the bringing in – connecting to the ascended masters that will assist us on our journey to identifying true teachings in our present and future. Step by step we see and hear within the light.
4. The Essenes – Keepers of the Dead Sea Scrolls $88 4 part Series.
- Available as a recording with handouts sent via Dropbox
- The Essenes – Mother Mary, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Anna and more. Now available as audio classes w/ handouts. $88 Click here to purchase The Essenes Mother Mary, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Anna and more
- The Essenes – The Keepers of the Dead-Sea Scrolls – Have messages and Energies ready to be shared. The earliest Essene, The Prophet Enoch (who became the ArchAngel Metatron) is said to have accessed “a cosmic ocean of thought, infinite and eternal.” The Essenes – the great teachers of humanity have brought and continue to bring forward “Cosmic Order”. We will interact with the Cosmic Ocean energies especially through the “Mary’s”. I have had a deep relationship with Mother Mary all of my life and she is available at this time to create alignment with the Cosmic energies that interact with our human thought body. As you have perhaps experienced recently – the thought body is especially vulnerable at this time. This work with strengthen and sooth the thought and emotional bodies. In all of my teaching, reiki, akashic records, shamanism etc. I’ve always felt that to simplify is of vital importance. The first teaching of Jesus’s is just that – Simplification is a principal of natural and spiritual orientation. We will be connecting to the feminine energies of the Essene Wisdom a much-needed alignment as the divine feminine become stronger in the vibrational context of the planet earth and our lives.
5. Self-Rule in the Life Now Unfolding $44 Two Sessions included.
This event is now available as a recording sent to you via Dropbox to keep and connect with again and again.
There are Echoes of Love throughout the Universe waiting to be heard by those of use here on the planet earth. The power within these echoes is our ability to be whole in and of self, as we embrace enlightening understanding of the experience life brings to us. We can never be separate from source and yet we often feel that we are isolated in this body. We create the relationship between spirit self and human self with the Shamanic Journey work we will experience here. The Grandmothers, Elders and Ancient Ones bring with them messages to embrace the silent secrets within our spirit and soul selves. Introduction and Embracing Connection in each session. recording sent to you via Dropbox to keep and connect with again and again. Handouts sent via email the Tuesday prior. $44. 2 sessions. Click Here Self-Rule in the Life Now Unfolding
6. The Raising and Protecting Your Frequency vibration
- You will learn a method of clearing out this life from conception to the now and into the future followed by bringing in a vibration that suits you now.There’s so much going on in the world today and surely for the next year. This is a year where we individually can increase the resonance of our individual life force as we reach inward for the answers required for our knowing of a life filled with a sense of security and fulfillment. We are evolving as souls through the awakening of gateways of awareness. Frequency – sound waves – electromagnetic light field that surrounds us (our aura) – That which is happening within and around our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Vibration our equilibrium within the situations of our lives, as we relate to and respond to the emotional context of that which is around us – the people, situations, obstructions and desires unfolding to better our ability to relate with the outer world. This event is now available as a recording sent to you via Dropbox with handouts $33. 1 session. Click here Raising and Protecting Your Frequency Vibration
7. Leap Day Self-Expansion $29
Leap Day holds an energetic opportunity to stretch our energy into the gateway of coming vibrational shifts. Seeing beyond limitation and implementation of a pattern within our psyche that is in sync with the highest light withing your spirit self. Nurtured by the atmosphere in which we live that solidify self-understanding and a knowing of individuality separate from any low vibrations held by groups of people not yet ready for harmonizing with 5th Dimensional Wisdom. (Heaven on Earth) In other words, being ready to hold your own – while wishing the best for all others as we and they walk the path planed for when we chose to incarnate into these times of diverse expressiveness. This event is now available as a recording with handouts sent to you via Dropbox to keep and connect with again and again. $29. 1 session. Click Here Leap Day Self-Expansion
8. The We Together Project $77 5 Sessions
- Click here to receive via audio sent through Dropbox $77.
- A part of the reason you have connected with me is to spread the Light …. We Together Project – Bringing forward an Earthly Expression of Peace, Joy & Love. …. Help the Planet – Help Humanity – Help Your Soul.
- Five Individual Alignments with Angelic Energies – an appeal to the angelic realm.
- We, as humans and they as Angels bring together what is personal & planetarily needed at this time. And WHY – the angelic realm must be asked if they are to intercede. They have so much new to offer at this time, calming the cause of the current worldly chaos and the unpredictability of “supposed” life being seen at this time. Together humans and angels are powerful in activating the energies needed, as from a place of Spiritual Wellness we thrive.
- Audio recordings sent to you for use at any time.
- What is up with this? I know it’s a lengthy read but … give it a chance.
- I’ve been guided to create an appeal to the angelic realm. We, each of us, need this knowing that there are light beings that are engaged in the plan to create a higher vibration here on planet earth. Which is working but not always easy to see. We as light workers have been engaging personal & many of us professional with this energy for many years. We each no matter our physical age or soul age still have things to accomplish in this realm or we would not be here on the planet.
- The appeal to the angels will assist each of us in creating the healings we personally desire & by the direction of each soul (the part of our higher self that draws us into the experiences needed to create our healings & creative endeavors) activate the next step on our path. The world is processing the rising vibrations through release just as we each do in our own learning of lessons.
- We as humans in our engagement with one another & the events taking place in the world have the ability to enact a higher vibration & a smoother transition into the 5th Dimension (Heaven on Earth Vibration). The Quantum Leap we all know is needed & must realize is more than just possible.
- Who are we? What are we? Why are we?
- We are spirit beings living in human bodies on the surface of the planet earth. We are to be the guardians of the 3rd dimension (the surface of the earth) protecting & enjoying all she has to offer. As a spirit, I believe we place ourselves in bodies to come here to learn from our experiences. Getting better at being both human beings & soul/spirit beings. Being human is not less than being a spirit.
- We have free will here. Do we use it wisely? Perhaps we have to grow into the using it wisely. Do we have helpers? Of Course!!! Other humans, spirit guides (those who are on the other side of the veil – not currently in corporeal form) who care about our goals in having incarnated once again into human form & the angels. Angels are a life form of their own. Not departed loved ones. The purpose of the angels is to bring messages to humans. & we obviously need those messages to bring together the understandings that bring forth the lives we all deserve.
Transformational Soul Metamorphosis
All sessions are available as audio files sent via Dropbox. Handouts are included.
Click here to order Single Session $30.00 13 Sessions total each purchased individually. Pick and Choose.
Contact Colleen via to designated which session or sessions you wish to receive.
Descriptions below “The Why would you do this?” and the Testimonials scroll down please.
Why would you do this? …. What are we presenting in these sessions?
- In the act of becoming a spiritually based human being we transition through many forms of self. An active participation in this transformation eases its passage as we gentle ourselves and our lives into a form that is pleasing and powerful. Through gradual change we develop our character and our interactions with fellow travelers as well as the planet earth herself. Freed from the paradigm of struggle, difficulty and fear we embrace the remarkable self that is shining an inner light out into the world. And stream higher meaning into our thoughts and actions as we approach each day of our lives filled with deeper meaning and the ability to discern our souls desire to create anew a self that has a loving spiritual wit, a flavor of joy and an expression of claircognizant knowing. Within this knowing there is clear understanding of the will and delight of our spirit’s highest capabilities.
- For a few moments we pause leaving space to breathe deeply releasing the vibrations of unsettled occurrences in life. Then the drum reminds us of the heart beating in our chests moving life throughout our bodies. The essence of who we are is acknowledged; gentle yet strong and warmed by the love that is innately our own spirit. We send our roots deep into the earth and reach for the stars as the heaviness of life is released. We dance with the wind as our thoughts and feelings re-balance in the imagining of the now and the future, inspired by an alignment with the desires of our heart, our higherself, our soul and spirit. Dreams awaken to a mindful destiny of new seeds planted by the awareness of new possibilities. A gentle guided meditation with the voices of the drum, chanting and singing bowls take us on this journey, into the love we hold for ourselves, which has been waiting to come forward from spirit light. The beings of light that are your companions on this trek through physical life and Colleen’s Akashic Master Teachers, Shamanic Guides, the ArchAngels and Ancestors will be present.
- There’s no need to do them in a specific order.
- It is like putting together a puzzle – when you recognize a piece (peace) you put it in place.
- Comments from the first session: I am speechless… my heart is full right now… thanking you and the Grandmother’s for your gifts of healing… I thought picture & sound were excellent for zoom. So good… I was far off in an alternate realty, didn’t want it to end. Yes, amazing guides on both sides, the visuals in my mind were something I haven’t experienced before…. Thank you so much! Wow! That was powerful and healing beyond what you could even know for me. Always so much to learn and pay attention to….
- Shortly after payment is made you will receive the zoom link to the session via email. I have muted everyone during these group sessions. The audio for you to keep, will be sent to you via Dropbox the day after each of these sessions. If you or anyone you know would like to join in this metamorphosis work but you are not able to be present in the live event – you or they can receive the audio down load at any time. The future pieces to this puzzle can be linked together in any order at any time. There’s no need to experience theses sessions in a specific order.
- Additions testimonials —
- I have discovered feelings of being empowered, grounded, stable, secure and whole. It seems that the work is being done subconsciously. The things I had not been able to release for years, have released. I did not spend mental energy in the release & healing and some of it has taken be by surprise. Andrea Holmquist
- I was ready for a change and needed to break free from the stress and turmoil of the last few years. The introduction of the Transformational Soul Metamorphosis Group Healing series was perfect timing. I experience an incredibly powerful yet gentle energy during these sessions and feel grounded and empowered afterwards. I’ve only attended two classes so far, I truly feel a transformation taking place! Holly H.
- I loved it. I like the chanting and singing bowls the best. Feeling the words wash over me is also wonderful. I felt like I was wrapped in a cocoon of loving energy. I am feeling more of a balance in myself. I believe that is coming from a stronger sense of myself and the understanding of the divine plan. I believe I am more open and receptive to guidance. I am feeling more connected as well as a stronger urge to take the time to connect Very beautiful experience! I am very grateful for it! Thank you! Jessica
- I’ve found myself spontaneously realizing and releasing challenging patterns and connections. Yes, I have worked very hard to release and heal these things over the past few years and have spent too much mental energy on them.
- I have rediscovered feeling empowered, grounded, stable, secure and whole. It seems that the work is being done subconsciously. The things I had not been able to release for years, have released. I did not spend mental energy in the release & healing and some of it has taken be by surprise. Andrea
- Of course I’m doing them all ….. !!! Veronica Merrill I have participated in all of the Transformational Soul Meditations in both forms. Some I was able to attend via zoom, while others were sent to me to in an e-mail. Either way was perfect for what I needed at that time. It didn’t matter. The space that is set for the healing, always comes in the correct way. Always it is soft and flowing with love reassuring me that I am on my path and entirely safe and watched over. More recently, I was healed form one my most hurtful past moments. New understanding and truth was brought to life. I truly don’t know where I would be Colleen and her passion for helping others on their journey in this lifetime. I hope she is there in my next.
- My cat, Pandora loved the work we did in the Metamorphosis Healing, she sat through the whole thing with me, just a purring away. Patti
- What a gifted and talented teacher we have been blessed with. After spending time with her, you only crave more knowledge. That is all this metamorphosis work is all about. Sharing, learning, becoming. Just listening to the recording even after the live session is a wonderful experience. Sally
- With much appreciation to you Colleen, in bringing this wonderful opportunity to us. It was a joy to participate in this healing energy from such a gifted teacher. I look forward to more. Jean
- The transformational soul group healing sessions have been extremely trans-formative. I have rediscovered the feeling of comfort; less anxious, less reactive, more peaceful, balanced, and accepting. I have entered into each of these without any expectations. The benefits have been amazing, pretty much without me lifting a finger. I opened myself to the energy and allowed it to do what it needed to do. AH
- There’s no need to do them in a specific order.
- It is like putting together a puzzle – when you recognize a piece (peace) you put it in place.
- Each Transformational Group Session will have its own dynamic vibrancy. Approximately 30 minutes plus introduction. We will meet via zoom live meeting initially with an audio recording to follow for future reference.
- We begin here, one session at a time …
1. Emphasis: Recognizing Star Beings who have populated the planet.
- The Wisdom of the Ancients continues. We will be working with the emergent energies within ourselves through the connections we make with the Hopi traditions of Cloud Woman and Butterfly Maiden.In the recognizing of ourselves as the light beings of pure creative energies.
- Grandmother Spider as always will be working with and through us as the web of the future creates our path forward.
2. Emphasis: Recognizing the Ancients as Star Beings
- We are here in this time as we were in the beginning of Earth providing a home for human being. In this re-connection to the to the Wisdom of the Ancients who populated this planet and seeded the earliest life here – we recognize ourselves in the light of pure love and the excitement of creation.
3. Emphasis: Triggering within the Soul the link to beginning a 5th dimensional life.
- Description…. A Channeled Healing Session – transference of soul level (Highest Good of the Individual = the Highest Good of All.
4. Emphasis: Clearing the Path –
- Clearing the fear of “When will the next shoe drop?” syndrome. Nothing is inevitable only seemingly a failure of a system or a related to something in the history of the planet which we would choose to avoid again. It is a common problem among earthlings to hold old vibrations of tragic events and painful experiences. In this session we will disconnect from the fear based thinking and emotional stressors of the “mass consciousness thinking”, “hive mind” and personal past life traumatic events replaying. The intent is to clear and then to establish a personal soul autonomy directed by the soul and higherself, supported by the highest of vibrations and energies of the Ascended Masters.
5. Emphasis: Building strength within the individual
- This strength will lead to strengthening the community around us. Each soul finding it’s place in the mix of spiritual and everyday reality as choices become clear in the development of the journey to clear knowing. Access to the knowing of the choices that move us toward fulfillment of dreams and ambitions. The Harvest of fulfillment as the power of change engages with a fresh perspective and enjoyable outcomes become more and more present in everyday life.
6. Emphasis: Bring the light of the Sun in to illuminate the longings of your heart.
- There is great power in the reorganization of the emotions. Let the emotions of turmoil leave you on the wind. Let the rain wash you clean and clear. As the earth shelters you in the cave of the heart of Mother Earth and the Stars sing their fiery light to you from the distant night sky. Fill with the knowing of obstacles released as you cast light filled desires into the future to unfold with this strengthening of spirit connection.
7. Emphasis: Activation of Harmony
- If possible, please collect one green, one clear, one yellow and one blue crystal
- l. Mine are malachite, clear quartz, golden calcite, sodalite. Yours can be anything you already have or if you have 4 clear quartz that will do for now. The focus will be the activation of Harmony. Through the mapping out and blending of clear intention with geometric design and the creation of a “calling in” vortex.
8. Emphasis: Connecting to the sacred elements.
- What you may want to have for ceremony – small Metal bowl or anything metal. Water,any type of Wood,e. stick, wooden bowl, wooden frame, Candle for fire, Earth, i.e. a few tablespoons of potting soil or salt.
- We live a life as a spirit within a shell of matter. That matter is a part of Mother Earth.
- As a part of Earth she has many influences in our experiences and we in her’s.
- Recording and Handouts
9. Emphasis: Numerological Influences
- We travel in 9 year cycles. You will want to calculate your current year’s energy – adding all of the digits of your birth date.
- i.e. Nov. 8, 1983 1+1+8+1+9+8+3=31 and then 3+1=4 — if you end up with a 10, 11, or 12 email me.
- Then your birth month, day and 2022 11/8/2022 1+1+8+2+0+2+2= 16 then 1+6=7
- You are in the 7th year of the 9 year cycle. information continues below …
- We travel in 9 year cycles. You will want to calculate your current year’s energy – adding all of the digits of your birth date.
You may want Dan Millman’s book the Life You Were Born to Live
And we will also connecting to the energy of the Year of the Water Tiger – The element of change. A time of pivotal change – reconstruction. The tiger awakens movement to drive away wrong doing and wrong doers. We will work with the positive aspects of Tiger energy and bring forward the Jade Emperor energy to purge all that is of detriment. Invoking the Water element to bring fluid change.
10. Emphasis: Becoming one with the Universe
Becoming one with the Universe via the magic of creative spirituality. Spiritual break through. There are many influences throughout each year and unfolding with the influences of spiritual development. New energy inspiring change. Fuel your sense of purpose – you are here as a light worker at this time for good reason. Your imagination and physical reality are open to awakening dreams. The practical you working side-by-side with the mystical you. You are here to expand your relationship with your true self and your heart’s capacity to love generously. Accept the callings that are coming to your awareness. Use the recording from to stimulate and deepen these knowings and doings.
11.. Emphasis: Releasing any fear, you have held about being a powerful being co-creating with divine source.
- Bringing forth the sacred self – free from ego’s fears.
- Reinstating the divine state of energy, you carry in the world.
- Feeling the power of the sacredness of self.
- Creating a relationship with the Star beings that are here to gather energy for you in the coming months and years. Star beings a.k.a. Starseeds are advanced spiritual beings who have gathered here around the planet earth from other realms, dimensions and planetary systems to facilitate the awakening of human consciousness to 5th dimensional living.
- Redefining power! Power unfortunately is connected, in most people’s minds, to misuse of power and manipulation.This session is here too realign you to power in its most advantageous spiritual and physical reality configuration. Alignment with all that is in our best interest and highest good as we proceed in life.
12. Emphasis: The power of self-understanding and cosmic understanding of the universe.
- Filling in all of the perceived cracks and cervices that you hold in this current life.
- Stabilizing the core of you and connecting that core to the star-being self. Receiving from your star-being self the fortitude sought and required to meet life, on the planet earth, and its current circumstances as we each choose our responses.
- Here we will inscribe upon our hearts a knowingness of the finding of the peace of our true home in the star field or our soul’s birth.
- “There has never been a house so bad that it couldn’t be made over into something worthwhile.” Elsie De Wolfe
- We are each housed in a body for each lifetime we have chosen on the earth plane – the energies are here in this journey work, for you to develop a relationship to your body, the house in which you reside, that is comfortable, peaceful and filled with the brilliance star light.
13. Emphasis: Connecting with our Star-being selves
Working Through the Chakra System of Planet Earth – This joining will come through the 5th Chakra – The Throat – located in Egypt in connection to the Great Pyramid, Sphinx and The Mount of Olives.
- The throat chakra of the body in concert with the throat chakra of planet earth brings forth alignment with the integrity and tranquility of spirit connection to the stars of origin. The Sphinx and Great Pyramid are neither male or female which allows the divine to peacefully come through in a neutral state of restfulness.
- The Mount of Olives is a Spinning Wheel of Light – creating the thread of energy which weaves the energy of the stars to the energy of the Earth’s Core – this motion extends the energy of the sounds of the universe deep into the resonance of tombs of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx as an offering of the Akashic vibrations of individuality and planetary synchronicity.
- The Planet Earth called forth Star Beings to inhabit her surface many ages past. We are here at her invitation. Those of us who honor this invitation are now asked to bring amplified energies into place on the planets surface and interior for the betterment of all humankind’s connection to the loving Mother. And her heart.