Resurrecting Self Reiki & Your Reiki Practice
Audio Download with handouts $25.
- Click here for payment link.
- We sometimes need to reconnect with the abundance extended from spirit for the well-being of our human-self and our business offerings what ever those may be. Reiki, massage, a shop, …..
- Often when we take a class we are engaged and then life happens!
- This offering will bring you back to the practice of self-care and extending light out into the world through a private energy practice, adding to your massage business, and incorporating reiki with other modalities of healing.
- We will clear blockages from your energy field and in your current use of reiki.
- Reactivate the energy flowing through you.
- Recapture the spirit of the divine light within.
- Realign your personal energy.
- Re-establish the healing art of carrying pure love though your life and work.
- And enjoy some time with others who have taken class in the Art of Creating Happiness.
Karuna Reiki™ Practitioner Level 1 & 2
Next Class offering November 9th & 10th 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
In-Person Class only. The two practitioner levels must be taken together.
You must have a Usui Reiki ART or 3A to take Karuna Reiki™ Practitioner class.
The two levels are taught together over two days, the practitioner levels include two attunements and eight treatment symbols – the symbols are more specific in their usage than the Usui symbols. The Karuna Reiki™ energy has a more defined feeling and heals more quickly, reaching deeper. The symbols connect directly with the Higher Self and work at the soul level, connecting with the energy of guides that assist us with very specific healing processes. Cost $500.00 Also available as a Zoom class if you have taken these levels previously $50 per day.
Aura Stabilization
$45.00 Add to cart -
Karuna Reiki Practitioner Class
$500.00 Add to cart -
Karuna Reiki Teacher Class
$375.00 Add to cart -
Refresher Class
$50.00 Add to cart -
Resurrecting Abundance – Self Reiki & Your Reiki Practice
$25.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki 3A
$225.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki 3B Teacher
$600.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki One
$125.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki Two
$175.00 Add to cart
Karuna Reiki Practitioner Class Payment Link
Karuna Reiki™ Teacher
Next Class offering – Monday, November 11th, 2024 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Contact Colleen if interested
Usui and Karuna Reiki™ Teacher levels available through an application process.
Aura Stabilization
$45.00 Add to cart -
Karuna Reiki Practitioner Class
$500.00 Add to cart -
Karuna Reiki Teacher Class
$375.00 Add to cart -
Refresher Class
$50.00 Add to cart -
Resurrecting Abundance – Self Reiki & Your Reiki Practice
$25.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki 3A
$225.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki 3B Teacher
$600.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki One
$125.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki Two
$175.00 Add to cart
Colleen is not teaching Usui Reiki Levels One or Two Classes at this time. If you are interested in Usui Reiki 3A Master Practitioner or 3B Master Teacher See offering of 3A below.
ShinJiro Healing Classes are available via a Zoom Video Class including handouts –
- Pre-requisite LodeStar Akasha Class
ShinJiro Holistic Akashic Healing Online Video Classes
- These two classes are available only as Video on Demand Webinars. You will have 90 days of access to the video information and will receive emails containing the class handouts. Attunement portions of these classes will be one on one phone conversations with Colleen. This classes are available 6 mo. after you have taken Lodestar Akasha Class with permission through Colleen only.
- Pre-requistited Requirement Lodestar Akasha Class with Colleen Helgerson
- We each have our own place in the Akashic Field — one as healer and one as recipient of healing light.
- The Akasha is a place where light and sound combine and the essence of our truth resides.
- ShinJiro – To Believe (celestial chi or holy body energy) brings balance to the vibration of the union of spirit, soul and human self.
- Level One – “We work in the first level with multiple concepts of union — on of which is the facilitating alignment of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine — to bring the highest levels of usefulness in physical reality of both the presence of action and love. Through symbols, hand placements and additional chakras there is a connecting of the work we do in energetic form with the powerful healing space within the Akashic Record. The beings of light that reside within the Akasha will be helping you as you work with your clients. The akasha is here to help you in the creation of the self-realization of a future, in which your purpose as a healer is expressed and fulfilled. The memories of who you have been, in past lives, as a healer and the recognition of who you will be is stored in the Akashic Record which Brings us each to the ultimate truth — our oneness with source energy.” $125.
- Level Two – “This class brings together the physical body’s expression of the spiritual union through core activations of various levels of internal and external healer transformations. Through Awareness and Self Awareness – we become receptive when we are expressive. We learn who we are as we express and as we send out we become receptive in the perception of truth. As we watch others express in less than truthful ways we begin to identify the differences between truth and non-truth. We can no longer be indifferent or unconscious (in denial) as society and the world at large fluctuate with varying degrees of soul maturity bending the forces of light and dark. To move skillfully into the future of our earth existence these expressions of spirit self will serve a greater purpose. Healing the healer and the extension of this healing to clients creates an environment where real world change is proportionate to soul growth.” $175.
For more info contact Colleen by phone or email.
Usui Reiki Master Teacher 3B & Karuna Reiki™ Teacher Through an application process.
Usui Reiki Master Practitioner, ART, 3A
In-Person 2024 Classes – August 18th 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Dubuque, IA
This training is for those who wish to deepen their healing abilities – exploring healing through intuitive guidance. Pre-requisite to Master Teacher. Additional symbols are taught for balancing and making the healing more durable in physical reality. Includes – the Healing attunement process to bring a client into harmony with their higherself , Deep Level clearings and healing, reaching into the past and cooperation with the present to bring forward a productive future, crystal grid work, pendulum work, energy integration, energy clearing, divine presence meditation, adding crystals, essential oils , plus much more …. to your practice. Cost $225. Prerequisite Reiki One and Two certification. For more information contact Colleen by phone or email.
Usui Master Teacher — Connect with Colleen if Interested
Aura Stabilization
$45.00 Add to cart -
Karuna Reiki Practitioner Class
$500.00 Add to cart -
Karuna Reiki Teacher Class
$375.00 Add to cart -
Refresher Class
$50.00 Add to cart -
Resurrecting Abundance – Self Reiki & Your Reiki Practice
$25.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki 3A
$225.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki 3B Teacher
$600.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki One
$125.00 Add to cart -
Usui Reiki Two
$175.00 Add to cart
Class FAQs
- wear comfortable clothing
- bring a lunch
- Preregistration and prepayment
- required through this website or call (563) 599-2823
- all class & session fees are non-refundable
- New classes and new schedules are being created all the time both in Dubuque, IA and other cities — if you are interested in classes but aren’t available for scheduled dates, please contact Colleen by phone or email.
- If you have previously taken one of these classes with me and want to refresh your memory you can take that class (full day any level) again for just $50 this fee includes the materials packet but does not included any CD’s or downloads. (providing there is space available in the class.)