2. Clearing Contradictory Beliefs Advanced Akashic Audio Class

2. Clearing Contradictory Beliefs Advanced Akashic Audio Class



Clearing Contradiction from the Akashic Field Available as an audio download w/ handouts sent to you via email. Cost $45.
Pre-requisite LodeStar Akasha Class
What are the troubling energies that hold you back from fulfilling your real life goals and spiritual expansion?
In this class we will explore and work to heal the contradictions people hold in the way they believe life works. When there are two sides of the same issue both held as a truth in our thought field it creates havoc — pulling the emotional self into uncertainty. The beliefs we hold subconsciously if contrary to one another influence our decision making – at time we are unable to make decisions or the decisions we make can not be carried out because there is another belief disengaging the person from following through as planned. This is productive work for the Akashic Readers themselves and for their clients.

About Colleen