Realizing the Authentic Healer/Reader Within – Step into the Extraordinary Self
November 12th 7 – 8:30 p.m. Zoom evening $38. followed by the audio recording sent to you.
Tell me that you haven’t felt a questioning as to “Who am to think I am a healer? A reader?” “Am I authentic?” “Am I actually helping others?” “Am I an imposter?”
Fear – concern – insecurities that affect all readers as they step into the realm of the “Out of the Ordinary.” and “Into the Extraordinary life they are meant to live.”
At times there is an insecurity. And a need to STEP OUT of Imposter Syndrome. This comes and goes when uncertainty steps in and lowers the vibrational self and confidence. Join me as we explore the depth of self and find the blend of spirit knowing and human acknowledgment within. Together we will STEP IN to the best of who and what we know are our unique abilities. The Strong, Capable, lasting enjoyment of a realization that stabilizes the ego as it accepts the freedom to be in celebration of spirit connection. Let me know you’d like to attend. This will also be recorded and available as an audio class shortly after the live on Zoom event. An everlasting abundant knowingness in connection to inner guidance – outer knowing.