The Sound of the Spirit

The Sound of the Spirit


Healing Tools from Kundalini Yoga By Jim Earles and Colleen Helgerson
Join us in developing a mantra practice, using sacred sounds of the universe to initiate personal growth & transformation!
Chanting mantras or simply listening to a mantra can be a powerful aid to meditation and simple relaxation.


By Jim Earles and Colleen Helgerson
Healing Tools from Kundalini Yoga
Join us in developing a mantra practice, using sacred sounds of the universe to initiate personal growth & transformation!
Chanting mantras in an ancient language rather than English opens up a unique and powerful vibrational quality.
Even just listening to a mantra can be a powerful aid to meditation and  relaxation.
Let the joyful expression of the mantras link your consciousness to a receptive state filled with happiness and abundant love.

Mantras included:

  1. Open to receptivity – connection with the higher self.
  2. Open the chakras to bring you prosperity, creativity, good luck and protection.
  3. Open and balance all of the chakras, initiates the kundalini energy within you, and strengthen your conscious connection to your own soul.
  4. An ideal remedy for stress and negativity, a powerful balancing effect on the brain, clearing away negative thoughts and habit patterns while simultaneously planting the seeds for new, spiritually-fulfilling patterns.
  5. The most powerful Kundalini Yoga mantra for healing — heal yourself, someone else, or the entire planet.
  6. Removes fear, anxiety, depression, phobias and bestows victory upon you.
  7. A joyful mantra – a powerful way to release phobias, fears and traumatic thoughts from the past.

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