A “yours forever audio download” sent to you via dropbox .
- Subscription rates available – Go to Metamorphosis page for these different links
- Single group session $30
- 2 Session bundle $60
- 5 session bundle $150 (you are here)
- 12 session bundle $240
- Payment for a single session specify a specific date for the audio of a past session. i.e. August 4th, etc.
For a few moments we pause leaving space to breathe deeply releasing the vibrations of unsettled occurrences in life. Then the drum reminds us of the heart beating in our chests moving life throughout our bodies. The essence of who we are is acknowledged; gentle yet strong and warmed by the love that is innately our own spirit. We send our roots deep into the earth and reach for the stars as the heaviness of life is released. We dance with the wind as our thoughts and feelings re-balance in the imagining of the now and the future, inspired by an alignment with the desires of our heart, our higher-self, our soul and spirit. Dreams awaken to a mindful destiny of new seeds planted by the awareness of new possibilities. A gentle guided meditation with the voices of the drum, chanting and singing bowls take us on this journey, into the love we hold for ourselves, which has been waiting to come forward from spirit light. Colleen’s Akashic Master Teachers, Shamanic Guides, the ArchAngels and Ancestors will be present. Each transformational group session will have its own dynamic vibrancy. Approximately 30 minutes. We will meet via zoom meeting. The monthly/ to 6 week sessions are date specified on the Metamorphosis page of this website. Shortly after payment is made you will receive the zoom link to the session via email.